Source code for photonmap.Energy.CorrectEnergy

from scipy.integrate import simpson
from collections import OrderedDict
from photonmap.Loader.LoadCaptor import *
from scipy import stats
import pandas as pd
import re

"""This is the doc string for the file3 file where we can say things about the python module.add()
We can write long text if we want.

+ Objectif of this module is reading the measured PPFD of each wavelength to correct the output energy
+ Data is located in this directory: ./spectrum/chambre1_spectrum  

[docs] def read_spectrum_file(filename: str) -> (OrderedDict, int, int): """ Parse a spectrum file. Parameters ---------- filename: str The file to parse. Returns ------- content: dict A dictionary with wavelength as key and photon count as value. step: int the step in the dictionary between two entries. start: int the first wavelength in the file. """ content = OrderedDict() cpt_comment = 0 with open(filename, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if line[0] != '"': # ignore comment ls = re.split(r"\s+|;+", line, maxsplit=1) content[int(ls[0])] = float(ls[1].replace(",", ".")) else: cpt_comment += 1 first_line = re.split(r"\s+|;+", lines[cpt_comment], maxsplit=1) second_line = re.split(r"\s+|;+", lines[cpt_comment + 1], maxsplit=1) step = int(second_line[0]) - int(first_line[0]) return content, step, int(first_line[0])
[docs] def get_integral_of_band(base_band: range, divided_band: range, spectrum: dict) -> float: """ Returns the integral of the band as a percentage Parameters ---------- base_band: range The base spectral range which includes all the other spectral ranges divided_band: range The section of the base spectral range used to run the simulation spectrum: dict The whole spectrum of the band. """ sum = 0.0 for i in divided_band: if i in spectrum: sum = sum + spectrum[i] total = 0.0 for i in base_band: if i in spectrum: total = total + spectrum[i] return sum / total
[docs] def get_correct_energy_coeff(base_spectral_range, divided_spectral_range, spec_file : str): """ Get the coefficients of energy's correction from the spectrum file Parameters ---------- base_spectral_range: range The base spectral range which includes all the other spectral ranges divided_spectral_range: range The section of the base spectral range used to run the simulation spec_file: str The link to the file which contains the informations of the heterogeneity of the spectrum Returns ------- integrals: array The list of the coefficents of energy's correction """ spec_dict, step, start = read_spectrum_file(spec_file) integrals = [] base_band = range(base_spectral_range["start"], base_spectral_range["end"], 1) for index in range(len(divided_spectral_range)): divided_band = range(divided_spectral_range[index]["start"], divided_spectral_range[index]["end"], 1) integrals.append(get_integral_of_band(base_band, divided_band, spec_dict)) return integrals
[docs] def get_points_calibration(list_captor, points_calibration_file, divided_spectral_range): """ Read the file which contains the points used for the calibration. Parameters ---------- captor_list : array The list of captors points_calibration_file: str The link to the file which contains the informations of the captors used to calibrate the final result divided_spectral_range: array The list of spectral ranges divided from the base spectral range. Returns ------- points_calibration: array The list of the points used for the calibration """ points_calibration = [] df = pd.read_csv(points_calibration_file) for i in range(len(divided_spectral_range)): cur_bande = divided_spectral_range[i] points = {} for index, r in df.iterrows(): captor_index = findIndexOfDiskCaptorInList(list_captor, r["xSite"], r["ySite"], r["zSite"]) points[captor_index] = r["Nmes_" + str(cur_bande["start"]) + "_" + str(cur_bande["end"])] points_calibration.append(points) return points_calibration
[docs] def get_calibaration_coefficient(energies, correction_ratios, points_calibration): """ Calculate the coefficients used to calibrate the result of simulation Parameters ---------- energies : array The list of captor's energies correction_ratios: array The list of the coefficents of energy's correction points_calibration: array The list of the points used for the calibration Returns ------- coeff_calibration: array The list of coefficients used for the calibration """ coeff_calibration = [] for i in range(len(energies)): energy = energies[i] cur_points_calibration = points_calibration[i] #calculate N_sim appliqué le coefficient de correction N_sim_cor = {} for k, v in energy.items(): N_sim_cor[k] = round(v * correction_ratios[i], 3) #regression linear N_mes_calibration = [] N_sim_calibration = [] for k, v in cur_points_calibration.items(): N_sim_calibration.append(N_sim_cor[k]) N_mes_calibration.append(v) slope, intercept, r, p, std_err = stats.linregress(N_sim_calibration, N_mes_calibration) coeff_calibration.append({"slope": slope, "intercept": intercept}) return coeff_calibration
[docs] def calibrate_captor_energy(energies, correction_ratios, points_calibration, coeffs_calibration): """ Calibrate the captor energy from photons to Mmol / m2 / s Parameters ---------- energies : array The list of captor's energies correction_ratios: array The list of the coefficents of energy's correction points_calibration: array The list of the points used for the calibration coeffs_calibration : array The list of the coefficients used for the calibration Returns ------- N_calibration: array The list of captor's energies after the calibration """ N_calibration = [] for i in range(len(energies)): energy = energies[i] cur_coeffs_calibration = coeffs_calibration[i] cur_points_calibration = points_calibration[i] #calculate N_sim appliqué le coefficient de correction N_sim_cor = {} for k, v in energy.items(): N_sim_cor[k] = round(v * correction_ratios[i], 3) #calculate Nmes N_mes_calculate = {} for k, v in N_sim_cor.items(): if k in cur_points_calibration: N_mes_calculate[k] = cur_points_calibration[k] else: N_mes_calculate[k] = round(cur_coeffs_calibration["slope"] * v + cur_coeffs_calibration["intercept"], 5) N_calibration.append(N_mes_calculate) return N_calibration
[docs] def calibrate_plant_energy(energies, coeffs_calibration): """ Calibrate the plant energy from photons to Mmol / m2 / s Parameters ---------- energies : array The list of captor's energies coeffs_calibration : array The list of the coefficients used for the calibration Returns ------- N_calibration: array The list of plant's energies after the calibration """ N_calibration = [] for i in range(len(energies)): energy = energies[i] cur_coeffs_calibration = coeffs_calibration[i] #calculate Nmes N_mes_calculate = {} for k, v in energy.items(): N_mes_calculate[k] = round(cur_coeffs_calibration["slope"] * v + cur_coeffs_calibration["intercept"], 5) N_calibration.append(N_mes_calculate) return N_calibration