Source code for photonmap.Loader.LoadCaptor

from math import cos, sin, pi
from photonmap.Common.Outils import *
from photonmap import libphotonmap_core
from openalea.plantgl.all import * 
from photonmap import (

#Objectif of this module is adding captors to the scene of photon mapping to the received energy 

[docs] class Captor: """ A class which contains all the data of captor. Attributes ---------- xSite: float The X coordinate of captor's position ySite: float The Y coordinate of captor's position zSite: float The Z coordinate of captor's position xNormal: float The X coordinate of captor's normal yNormal: float The Y coordinate of captor's normal zNormal: float The Z coordinate of captor's normal radius: float The radius of captor vertices: array The vertices of captor's geometry normals: array The normal vectors of each vertices in captor's geometry triangles: array The triangles of captor's geometry """
[docs] def initCaptor(self, shape, position, scale_factor, captor_type): """ Init a object of face captor Returns ------- shape: Shape The geometry and material of captor position : tuple(int,int,int) The position of captor scale_factor: int The size of geometries. The vertices of geometries is recalculated by dividing their coordinates by this value captor_type: str "VirtualCaptor" or "FaceCaptor" """ self.type = captor_type self.captor_id = self.xSite = position[0] / scale_factor self.ySite = position[1] / scale_factor self.zSite = position[2] / scale_factor self.radius = 0 vertices = shape.geometry.pointList #apply scale factor for i in range(len(vertices)): cur_vertice = vertices[i] vertices[i] = ((cur_vertice[0] + position[0]) / scale_factor, (cur_vertice[1] + position[1]) / scale_factor, (cur_vertice[2] + position[2]) / scale_factor) shape.geometry.pointList = vertices shape.geometry.computeNormalList() self.shape = shape return self
[docs] def initVirtualDiskCaptor(self, pos = (0,0,0), nor = (0,0,0), r = 0, captor_id = 0): """ Init a object of virtual disk shape captor Returns ------- pos: tuple The position of captor nor: tuple The normal vector of captor r: float The radius of captor captor_id: int The id of captor """ self.type = "VirtualCaptor" self.xSite = pos[0] self.ySite = pos[1] self.zSite = pos[2] self.xNormal = nor[0] self.yNormal = nor[1] self.zNormal = nor[2] self.radius = r self.captor_id = captor_id self.createVirtualDisk() return self
[docs] def createVirtualDisk(self): """ Create geometry of circular captor Returns ------- vertices: array The vertices of captor's geometry normals: array The normal vectors of each vertices in captor's geometry triangles: array The triangles of captor's geometry """ vertices = [] normals = [] triangles = [] val = 3.14285 / 180 deltaAngle = 10 triangleCount = 0 vertices.append((self.xSite, self.ySite, self.zSite)) normals.append((self.xNormal, self.yNormal, self.zNormal)) if self.zNormal == 1: x1 = self.radius * cos(0) y1 = self.radius * sin(0) z1 = 0 else: x1 = self.radius * cos(0) y1 = 0 z1 = self.radius * sin(0) vertices.append((x1 + self.xSite, y1 + self.ySite, z1 + self.zSite)) normals.append((self.xNormal, self.yNormal, self.zNormal)) i = 0 while i < 360: if self.zNormal == 1: x2 = self.radius * cos((i + deltaAngle) * val) y2 = self.radius * sin((i + deltaAngle) * val) z2 = 0 else: x2 = self.radius * cos((i + deltaAngle) * val) y2 = 0 z2 = self.radius * sin((i + deltaAngle) * val) vertices.append((x2 + self.xSite, y2 + self.ySite, z2 + self.zSite)) normals.append((self.xNormal, self.yNormal, self.zNormal)) triangles.append((triangleCount + 1, triangleCount + 2, 0)) triangleCount += 1 i += deltaAngle captor_shape = Shape(TriangleSet(vertices, triangles, normals), Material( name="Captor", ambient = Color3( 0 ), specular = Color3( 0 ), shininess = 1, transparency = 0)) self.shape = captor_shape
[docs] def equal(self, xSite, ySite, zSite): """ Check if the coordinate is equal to the position of captor Parameters ---------- xSite: float The X coordinate ySite: float The Y coordinate zSite: float The Z coordinate Returns ------- True if equal False if not equal """ if self.xSite == xSite and self.ySite == ySite and self.zSite == zSite: return True return False
[docs] def getGeometry(self): """ Get geometry of captor Returns ------- vertices: array The vertices of captor's geometry normals: array The normal vectors of each vertices in captor's geometry triangles: array The triangles of captor's geometry """ #return vertice list, indexlist vertices = VectorFloat(flatten(self.shape.geometry.pointList)) normals = VectorFloat(flatten(self.shape.geometry.normalList)) triangles = VectorUint(flatten(self.shape.geometry.indexList)) return vertices, triangles, normals
[docs] def getOpticalProperties(self): """ Get optical properties of captor Returns ------- refl: float The reflection specular: float The specular trans: float The tranparency roughness: float The roughness """ #return reflection, specular, transmission trans = self.shape.appearance.transparency refl = / 255.0 specular = / 255.0 roughness = 1.0 - self.shape.appearance.shininess return refl, specular, trans, roughness
[docs] def addVirtualCaptors(scene, virtual_captor_triangle_dict, list_virtual_captor): """ Adds virtual captors to the scene. Parameters ---------- scene : libphotonmap_core.Scene The photon mapping scene used to run the simulation virtual_captor_triangle_dict : dict The dictionary of the triangles of captors list_virtual_captor : array The list of virtual captor Returns ------- Add all the mesh of virtual captors to the scene """ lastTriangleId = scene.nFaces() for i in range(len(list_virtual_captor)): captor = list_virtual_captor[i] if captor.type != "VirtualCaptor": return vertices, triangles, normals = captor.getGeometry() # scene.addVirtualCaptorInfos(vertices, triangles, normals) # for j in triangles: virtual_captor_triangle_dict[lastTriangleId + j] = captor.captor_id lastTriangleId = scene.nFaces()
[docs] def addFaceCaptors(scene, face_captor_triangle_dict, list_face_captor): """ Adds face captors to the scene. Parameters ---------- scene : libphotonmap_core.Scene The photon mapping scene used to run the simulation face_captor_triangle_dict : dict The dictionary of the triangles of captors list_face_captor : array The list of face captor Returns ------- Add all the mesh of face captors to the scene """ lastTriangleId = scene.nFaces() for i in range(len(list_face_captor)): captor = list_face_captor[i] if captor.type != "FaceCaptor": return vertices, triangles, normals = captor.getGeometry() refl, specular, trans, roughness = captor.getOpticalProperties() # scene.addFaceCaptorInfos(vertices, triangles, normals, refl, specular, trans, roughness) # for j in triangles: face_captor_triangle_dict[lastTriangleId + j] = captor.captor_id lastTriangleId = scene.nFaces()
[docs] def findIndexOfDiskCaptorInList(list_captor, x, y, z): """ Find the index of a disk shape captor while knowing its position Parameters ---------- list_captor : Array The list of the captor in the scene x : float x coordinate y : float y coordinate z : float z coordinate Returns ------- if not found, return -1 if found, return the index of the captor """ for i in range(len(list_captor)): if(list_captor[i].equal(x, y, z)): return i return -1
#add captor to a scene of PlantGL to visualize
[docs] def addCaptorPgl(sc, list_captor): """ Add the captors to the PlantGL scene to visualize the scene Parameters ---------- sc : Lscene The plantgl scene list_captor : array The list of captors Returns ------- A PlantGL Scene with the captors """ pglScene = Scene() for i in range(len(list_captor)): captor_sh = list_captor[i].shape pglScene.add(captor_sh) return Scene([pglScene, sc])