Source code for photonmap.Loader.LoadEnvironment

from photonmap import libphotonmap_core
from openalea.plantgl.all import * 
from photonmap.Common.Math import *
from photonmap.Common.Outils import *
from photonmap import (

#Objectif of this module is adding environment object to the scene of Photon Mapping

[docs] def addEnvironment( scene, sh, w, materialsR: dict, materialsS: dict, materialsT: dict, is_only_lamp = False ): """ Adds a PlantGL Shape of the room to the Photon Mapping scene. Parameters ---------- scene : libphotonmap_core.Scene The photon mapping scene used to run the simulation sh : Shape The plantGL Shape to add w : int The wavelength of the light to simulate. materialsR : dict The materials reflection dictionary materialsS : dict The materials specularity dictionary materialsT : dict The materials transmission dictionary is_only_lamp : bool If True, add only the lamps and captors, If False, add all the objects in room """ normals = VectorFloat(flatten(sh.geometry.normalList)) indices = VectorUint(flatten(sh.geometry.indexList)) vertices = VectorFloat(flatten(sh.geometry.pointList)) ambient = Vec3( / 255.0, / 255.0, / 255.0, ) diffuse = ambient material_name = trans = sh.appearance.transparency if materialsT.get(material_name) is None else materialsT[material_name] refl = ( / 255.0) if materialsR.get(material_name) is None else materialsR[material_name] specular = ( / 255.0) if materialsS.get(material_name) is None else materialsS[material_name] #print(material_name, refl, specular, trans) #using mat Phong illum = 1 if trans > 0.0: #illum = 9 print("Transparent material: " + material_name) shininess = sh.appearance.shininess emission = sh.appearance.emission light_color = wavelength2Rgb(w) # print(str(light_color[0])+" "+str(light_color[1])+" "+str(light_color[2])) if len(indices) == 0: # regex to get the coords coords = re.findall(r"[-+]?\d*\.*\d+", # coords[0] is the id of the light pos = Vec3(float(coords[0]), float(coords[1]), float(coords[2])) # print(emission) scene.addPointLight(pos, 400, light_color) elif emission != Color3(0, 0, 0): scene.addLight(vertices, indices, normals, 4000, light_color, elif is_only_lamp == False: scene.addFaceInfos( vertices, indices, normals, diffuse, ambient, specular, shininess, trans, illum,, 1, refl, trans, 1.0 - shininess )
#add light direction to a scene of PlantGL to visualize
[docs] def addLightDirectionPgl(sc, scale_factor): """ Adds a PlantGL Shape of the room to the Photon Mapping scene. Parameters ---------- sc : Lscene The plantgl scene scale_factor : int The size of geometries. The vertices of geometries is recalculated by dividing their coordinates by this value Returns ------- A PlantGL Scene with the hemisphere of each surface """ pglScene = Scene() for sh in sc: vertices = sh.geometry.pointList normals = sh.geometry.normalList if len(vertices) == 4: centre = averageVector(vertices) normal = averageVector(normals) normal.normalize() rayon = 50 * scale_factor sh_dir = geoHemisphere(centre, normal, rayon) sh_dir.appearance.ambient = Color3(1,0,0) pglScene.add(sh_dir) return Scene([pglScene, sc])