Source code for photonmap.Simulator

import random
import sys
import time
import os

from openalea.plantgl.all import * 
from openalea.lpy import Lsystem
from pgljupyter import SceneWidget
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from photonmap import libphotonmap_core
from photonmap import (

from photonmap.libphotonmap_core import (

from photonmap.Reader import (ReadRADGeo, ReadPO)
from photonmap.Energy import (CalculateEnergy, CorrectEnergy)
from photonmap.Loader import (LoadCaptor, LoadEnvironment)
from photonmap.Common import (Outils, Math)

[docs] class SimulationResult: """ A class which contains the result of simulation. Attributes ---------- N_sim_virtual_captor: dict Number of received photons on each captor N_sim_face_captor: dict Number of received photons on each organ of plant N_mes_virtual_captor: dict The energies after the calibration on each captor N_mes_face_captor: dict The energies after the calibration on each organ of plant nb_photons: int The number of photons in simulation divided_spectral_range: array The list of spectral ranges divided from the base spectral range. list_virtual_captor: array The list of virtual captor in simulation """ #constructor def __init__(self, simulator):
[docs] self.photonmaps = simulator.photonmaps
[docs] self.N_sim_virtual_captor = simulator.N_sim_virtual_captor
[docs] self.N_sim_face_captor = simulator.N_sim_face_captor
[docs] self.N_mes_virtual_captor = simulator.N_mes_virtual_captor
[docs] self.N_mes_face_captor = simulator.N_mes_face_captor
[docs] self.divided_spectral_range = simulator.divided_spectral_range
[docs] self.list_virtual_captor = simulator.list_virtual_captor
[docs] self.list_face_captor = simulator.list_face_captor
[docs] def writeResults(self, file_prefix = ""): """ Write the result of simulation to a file saved in the folder ./results Parameters ---------- file_prefix: str The prefix of output file """ if len(self.N_sim_virtual_captor) > 0: CalculateEnergy.write_captor_energy(self.N_sim_virtual_captor, self.N_mes_virtual_captor, self.list_virtual_captor, self.divided_spectral_range, file_prefix + "virtual_captor_res.csv") if len(self.N_sim_face_captor) > 0: CalculateEnergy.write_captor_energy(self.N_sim_face_captor, self.N_mes_face_captor, self.list_face_captor, self.divided_spectral_range, file_prefix + "face_captor_res.csv")
[docs] def graph(self): """ Draw a graph with MathPlotlib """ return
[docs] class Simulator: """ A class which include all the tools of simulation. Attributes ---------- nb_photons: int The number of photons in simulation maximum_depth: int The maximum number of times that the light bounces in the scene scale_factor: float The size of geometries. The vertices of geometries is recalculated by dividing their coordinates by this value t_min: float The minimum distance between the point of intersection and the origin of the light ray nb_thread: int The number of threads on the CPU used to calculate in parallel. This value is between 0 and the number of cores of your CPU. is_backface_culling: bool Define which mode of intersection is chosen: intersect only with the front face or intersect with both faces. base_spectral_range: dict The base spectral range which includes all the other spectral ranges divided_spectral_range: array The list of spectral ranges divided from the base spectral range. rendering: bool Set to True to render the output images N_sim_virtual_captor: dict Number of received photons on each captor N_sim_face_captor: dict Number of received photons on each organ of plant spectrum_file: str The link to the file which contains the informations of the heterogeneity of the spectrum points_calibration_file: str The link to the file which contains the informations of the captors used to calibrate the final result list_virtual_captor: array The list of virtual captor in simulation pgl_scene: openalea.plantgl.scenegraph.Scene The plantgl scene object used to save the meshs of environment plantPos: Vec3 The position of the plant po_dir: str The link to the folder which contains the optical properties of the room """ #constructor def __init__(self):
[docs] self.nb_photons = 0
[docs] self.max_depth = 0
[docs] self.scale_factor = 1
[docs] self.t_min = 0.0001
[docs] self.nb_thread = 8
[docs] self.is_backface_culling = False
[docs] self.base_spectral_range = {"start": 0, "end": 0}
[docs] self.divided_spectral_range = [{"start": 0, "end": 0}]
[docs] self.rendering = False
[docs] self.scene_pgl = Scene()
[docs] self.list_virtual_captor = []
[docs] self.list_face_captor = []
[docs] self.N_sim_virtual_captor = []
[docs] self.N_sim_face_captor = []
[docs] self.N_mes_virtual_captor = []
[docs] self.N_mes_face_captor = []
[docs] self.photonmaps = []
#input files
[docs] self.po_dir = ""
[docs] self.spectrum_file = ""
[docs] self.points_calibration_file = ""
[docs] def resetScene(self): """ Clear list of captors and list of object in scene """ self.scene_pgl.clear() self.list_virtual_captor.clear() self.list_face_captor.clear()
[docs] def addEnvToScene(self, sh): """ Add a environment's object to scene Parameters ---------- sh : plantgl.Shape The mesh of object Returns ------- The object is added to the scene """ vertices = sh.geometry.pointList #apply scale factor for i in range(len(vertices)): vertices[i] = tuple(x / self.scale_factor for x in vertices[i]) sh.geometry.pointList = vertices sh.geometry.computeNormalList() #add object to scene self.scene_pgl.add(sh)
[docs] def addFaceCaptorToScene(self, shape, position, scale_factor): """ Add a face captor object to scene Parameters ---------- shape: Shape The geometry and material of captor position : tuple(int,int,int) The position of captor scale_factor: int The size of geometries. The vertices of geometries is recalculated by dividing their coordinates by this value Returns ------- The face captor is added to the scene """ captor = LoadCaptor.Captor().initCaptor(shape, position, scale_factor, "FaceCaptor") self.list_face_captor.append(captor)
[docs] def addVirtualCaptorToScene(self, shape, position, scale_factor): """ Add a virtual captor object to scene Parameters ---------- shape: Shape The geometry and material of captor position : tuple(int,int,int) The position of captor scale_factor: int The size of geometries. The vertices of geometries is recalculated by dividing their coordinates by this value Returns ------- The virtual captor is added to the scene """ captor = LoadCaptor.Captor().initCaptor(shape, position, scale_factor, "VirtualCaptor") self.list_virtual_captor.append(captor)
[docs] def addVirtualDiskCaptorToScene(self, pos, normal, r, captor_id): """ Add a virtual disk shaped captor object to scene Parameters ---------- pos : tuple(float,float,float) The position of captor normal: tuple(float,float,float) The vector normal of captor r: float The radius of captor captor_id: int The id of captor Returns ------- The disk shaped captor is added to the scene """ captor = LoadCaptor.Captor().initVirtualDiskCaptor((pos[0] / self.scale_factor, pos[1] / self.scale_factor, pos[2] / self.scale_factor), (normal[0], normal[1], normal[2]), r, captor_id) self.list_virtual_captor.append(captor)
[docs] def run(self): """ Run the simulation with the configurations which is determined Returns ------- The number of received photons on each captor and organs of plant is saved into the files located in folde ./results """ self.photonmaps.clear() self.N_sim_face_captor.clear() self.N_sim_virtual_captor.clear() self.N_mes_virtual_captor.clear() self.N_mes_face_captor.clear() scene = libphotonmap_core.Scene() n_estimation_global = 100 final_gathering_depth = 0 for index in range(len(self.divided_spectral_range)): start_time = time.time() current_band = self.divided_spectral_range[index] print("Wavelength:", current_band["start"], "-", current_band["end"]) moyenne_wavelength = (current_band["start"] + current_band["end"]) / 2 scene.clear() scene, has_virtual_captor, virtual_captor_triangle_dict, has_face_captor, face_captor_triangle_dict = self.initSimulationScene(scene, current_band, moyenne_wavelength) #create integrator scene.tnear = self.t_min scene.setupTriangles() integrator = PhotonMapping( self.nb_photons, n_estimation_global, final_gathering_depth, self.max_depth, self.nb_thread ) print("Build photonMap...") sampler = UniformSampler(random.randint(1, sys.maxsize)) # build no kdtree if not rendering, sampler, self.rendering) print("Done!") #rendering if declared if(self.rendering): self.render(integrator, scene, moyenne_wavelength, sampler) #read energy of virtual captor virtual_captor_energy = {} if(has_virtual_captor): CalculateEnergy.captor_add_energy(virtual_captor_triangle_dict, integrator, virtual_captor_energy) self.N_sim_virtual_captor.append(virtual_captor_energy) #read energy of face captor face_captor_energy = {} if(has_face_captor): CalculateEnergy.captor_add_energy(face_captor_triangle_dict, integrator, face_captor_energy) self.N_sim_face_captor.append(face_captor_energy) self.photonmaps.append(integrator.getPhotonMapCaptors()) print("Time taken: " + str(time.time() - start_time)) return SimulationResult(self)
[docs] def calculateCalibrationCoefficient(self, spectrum_file = "", points_calibration_file = ""): """ Calculate the coefficients which is used to calibrate the final result of simulation with the captors Parameters ---------- spectrum_file: str The link to the file which contains the informations of the heterogeneity of the spectrum points_calibration_file: str The link to the file which contains the informations of the captors used to calibrate the final result """ self.coeffs_calibration = [] if os.path.exists(spectrum_file) and os.path.exists(points_calibration_file): self.integrals = CorrectEnergy.get_correct_energy_coeff(self.base_spectral_range, self.divided_spectral_range, spectrum_file) self.points_calibration = CorrectEnergy.get_points_calibration(self.list_virtual_captor, points_calibration_file, self.divided_spectral_range) self.coeffs_calibration = CorrectEnergy.get_calibaration_coefficient(self.N_sim_virtual_captor, self.integrals, self.points_calibration) return True return False
[docs] def calibrateResults(self, spectrum_file = "", points_calibration_file = ""): """ Calibrate the final result of simulation Parameters ---------- spectrum_file: str The link to the file which contains the informations of the heterogeneity of the spectrum points_calibration_file: str The link to the file which contains the informations of the captors used to calibrate the final result """ can_calibrate = self.calculateCalibrationCoefficient(spectrum_file, points_calibration_file) if can_calibrate: if len(self.N_sim_virtual_captor) > 0: self.N_mes_virtual_captor = CorrectEnergy.calibrate_captor_energy(self.N_sim_virtual_captor, self.integrals, self.points_calibration, self.coeffs_calibration) if len(self.coeffs_calibration) > 0 and len(self.N_sim_face_captor) > 0: self.N_mes_face_captor = CorrectEnergy.calibrate_plant_energy(self.N_sim_face_captor, self.coeffs_calibration) return SimulationResult(self)
[docs] def visualiserSimulationScene(self, mode = "ipython"): """ Visualize the scene of simulation with the tools of OpenAlea To run this function, it has to run these command first: -- ipython -- %gui qt5 Parameters ---------- mode: str This variable define the mode used to visualize the scene. There are the supported modes: ipython, pgljupyter Returns ------- A rendered scene in 3D """ # init visualize scene sc = self.scene_pgl #add light direction to scene sc = LoadEnvironment.addLightDirectionPgl(sc, self.scale_factor) #add face captor if len(self.list_face_captor) > 0: sc = LoadCaptor.addCaptorPgl(sc, self.list_face_captor) #add captor if len(self.list_virtual_captor) > 0: sc = LoadCaptor.addCaptorPgl(sc, self.list_virtual_captor) if mode == "ipython": Viewer.display(sc) elif mode == "pgljupyter": return SceneWidget(sc, size_display=(800, 600), size_world=255) else: Viewer.display(sc)
[docs] def test_t_min(self, nb_photons, start_t, loop, is_only_lamp = False): """ Test the simulation with multiple values of Tmin to avoid the problem of auto-intersection Parameters ---------- nb_photons: int The total number of photons is shooting from the light in the simulation start_t: float The first (smallest) value of Tmin used to run the test loop: int The number of iteration. At each iteration, the current value Tmin is multiply with 10, then run the simulation is_only_lamp: bool If True, run the test with only the lamps and captors, If False, run the test with all the objects in scene Returns ------- A graph is generated to show the connection between the Tmin and the results of simulation """ if loop < 1: return scene = libphotonmap_core.Scene() n_estimation_global = 100 final_gathering_depth = 0 current_band = self.divided_spectral_range[0] moyenne_wavelength = (current_band["start"] + current_band["end"]) / 2 list_tmin = [] list_res = [] list_index = [] scene.clear() scene, has_virtual_captor, virtual_captor_triangle_dict, has_face_captor, face_captor_triangle_dict = self.initSimulationScene(scene, current_band, moyenne_wavelength, is_only_lamp) #create integrator scene.setupTriangles() for i in range(loop): print("---------------------------------") print("Test Tmin =", start_t) scene.tnear = start_t integrator = PhotonMapping( nb_photons, n_estimation_global, final_gathering_depth, self.max_depth, self.nb_thread ) sampler = UniformSampler(1) # build no kdtree if not rendering, sampler, False) res = integrator.getPhotonMapCaptors().nPhotons() print("Number of photons received in total is", res) list_tmin.append(start_t) list_res.append(res) list_index.append(i) start_t = round(start_t * 10, 6) print("---------------------------------") plt.plot(list_index, list_res, linestyle='--', marker='*') plt.title("Number of photons received relative to the change in tmin") plt.ylabel("Nb of photon") for x, y, text in zip(list_index, list_res, list_tmin): plt.text(x, y, text)
[docs] def initSimulationScene(self, scene, current_band, moyenne_wavelength, is_only_lamp = False): """ Setup all the necessary objects (environment, captor, plant) in the simulation Parameters ---------- scene: libphotonmap_core.Scene The object which contains all the object in the scene of simulation current_band: dict Current divided spectral range where the simulation is running moyenne_wavelength: Vec3 The average wavelength of spectral range used to determine the color of the light is_only_lamp: bool if True, only the lamps and captors is added to the scene, if False, all the objects is added. Returns ------- scene: libphotonmap_core.Scene The object which contains all the object in the scene of simulation has_virtual_captor: bool Return true if the scene has the captors captor_triangle_dict: dict Dictionary of the triangles of the captors. Using to counting the number of photons received in each captor has_plant: bool Return true if the scene has the model of plant tr2shmap: dict Dictionary of the triangles of the plant. Using to counting the number of photons received in each organ of plant """ #add env materialsR, materialsS, materialsT = ReadPO.setup_dataset_materials(current_band["start"], current_band["end"], self.po_dir) scene.clear() for sh in self.scene_pgl: LoadEnvironment.addEnvironment(scene, sh, moyenne_wavelength, materialsR, materialsS, materialsT, is_only_lamp) #add face captor has_face_captor = False face_captor_triangle_dict = {} if len(self.list_face_captor) > 0: LoadCaptor.addFaceCaptors(scene, face_captor_triangle_dict, self.list_face_captor) has_face_captor = True #add virtual captor has_virtual_captor = False virtual_captor_triangle_dict = {} if len(self.list_virtual_captor) > 0: LoadCaptor.addVirtualCaptors(scene, virtual_captor_triangle_dict, self.list_virtual_captor) has_virtual_captor = True return scene, has_virtual_captor, virtual_captor_triangle_dict, has_face_captor, face_captor_triangle_dict
[docs] def render(self, integrator, scene, w, sampler): """ Visualize the photon map of the simulation in the scene Parameters ---------- integrator: libphotonmap_core.PhotonMapping The object which handles all the simulation of photon mapping scene: libphotonmap_core.Scene The object which contains all the object in the scene of simulation w: Vec3 The average wavelength of spectral range used to determine the color of the light sampler: libphotonmap_core.Sampler The generator of the random number Returns ------- Rendered images is saved into the folder ./result """ if not os.path.exists("results"): os.makedirs("results") if self.rendering == False: print("Enable rendering first !!!") return image = libphotonmap_core.Image(self.image_width, self.image_height) print("Printing photonmap image...") visualizePhotonMap( integrator, scene, image, self.image_height, self.image_width,, self.nb_photons, self.max_depth, "results/photonmap-" + str(w) + "nm.ppm", sampler, ) image.clear() print("Done!") print("Printing captor photonmap image...") visualizeCaptorsPhotonMap( scene, image, self.image_height, self.image_width,, self.nb_photons, self.max_depth, "results/photonmap-captors-" + str(w) + "nm.ppm", sampler, integrator, ) image.clear() print("Done!")
[docs] def addEnvFromFile(self, room_file: str, po_dir: str, flip_normal = False): """ Setup the room/environment of the simulation from file. Parameters ---------- room_file: str The link to the file which contains the geometries of the room po_dir: str The link to the folder which contains the optical properties of the room flip_normal: bool Determine the direction of the vector normal of triangle. """ self.po_dir = po_dir self.scene_pgl = ReadRADGeo.read_rad(room_file, self.scale_factor, flip_normal)
[docs] def setupRender(self, lookfrom = Vec3(0,0,0), lookat = Vec3(0,0,0)): """ Enable the capacity to render/visulize the photon map in the scene Parameters ---------- lookfrom: Vec3 The position of the camera. lookat: Vec3 The point where the camera is looking at """ self.rendering = True #using for render the results = self.initCameraRender(lookfrom, lookat)
[docs] def addVirtualDiskCaptorsFromFile(self, captor_file: str): """ Setup the captors in the simulation. Enable the capacity to run the simulation with the circle captors Parameters ---------- captor_file: str The link to the file which contains the informations of the captors in the simulation """ if(captor_file != ""): captor_id = len(self.list_virtual_captor) with open(captor_file, "r") as f: next(f) for line in f: row = line.split(",") x = float(row[0]) y = float(row[1]) z = float(row[2]) r = float(row[3]) xnorm = float(row[4]) ynorm = float(row[5]) znorm = float(row[6]) self.addVirtualDiskCaptorToScene((x, y, z), (xnorm, ynorm, znorm), r, captor_id) captor_id += 1
[docs] def addFaceCaptorsFromLpyFile(self, plant_file: str, plant_pos = Vec3(0,0,0), derivationLength = None): """ Setup a plant in the simulation. Enable the capacity to run the simulation with a model of plant Parameters ---------- plant_file: str The link to the file of the model of plant. (currently only support .lpy file) plantPos: Vec3 The position of the plant derivationLength: int The number of iteration to interpret the plant """ lsystem = Lsystem(plant_file) if derivationLength is None: derivationLength = lsystem.derivationLength lstring = lsystem.derive(lsystem.axiom, derivationLength) lscene = lsystem.sceneInterpretation(lstring) scale_factor = self.scale_factor / 10 position = (plant_pos[0] / 10, plant_pos[1] / 10, plant_pos[2] / 10) tr = Tesselator() for sh in lscene: sh.apply(tr) mesh = Shape(tr.result, sh.appearance, self.addFaceCaptorToScene(mesh, position, scale_factor)
[docs] def initCameraRender(self, lookfrom = Vec3(0,0,0), lookat = Vec3(0,0,0)): """ Init the camera to render image. Calling by the function setupRender Parameters ---------- lookfrom: Vec3 The position of the camera. lookat: Vec3 The point where the camera is looking at Returns ------- camera: libphotonmap_core.Camera An object with all the informations of camera """ aspect_ratio = 16.0 / 9.0 self.image_width = 512 self.image_height = 512 vup = Vec3(0, 0, -1) vfov = 50.0 dist_to_focus = 2.0 aperture = 0.01 # coordinates must be in meters camera = libphotonmap_core.Camera( lookfrom, lookat, vup, vfov, aspect_ratio, aperture, dist_to_focus ) return camera
[docs] def readConfiguration(self, filename: str): """ Read all the parameters of simulation in the configuration file Parameters ---------- filename: str Name/directory of the configuration file. """ #read file with open(filename, "r") as f: next(f) for line in f: if "$" in line: row = line.replace("\n", "").split(" ") if row[0] == "$NB_PHOTONS": self.nb_photons = int(row[1]) elif row[0] == "$MAXIMUM_DEPTH": self.max_depth = int(row[1]) elif row[0] == "$SCALE_FACTOR": self.scale_factor = int(row[1]) elif row[0] == "$T_MIN": self.t_min = float(row[1]) elif row[0] == "$NB_THREAD": self.nb_thread = int(row[1]) elif row[0] == "$BACKFACE_CULLING": self.is_backface_culling = True if (row[1].upper() == "YES") else False elif row[0] == "$BASE_SPECTRAL_RANGE": self.base_spectral_range = {"start": int(row[1]), "end": int(row[2])} elif row[0] == "$DIVIDED_SPECTRAL_RANGE": nb_bande = int(row[1]) self.divided_spectral_range.clear() for i in range(nb_bande): start = int(row[(i + 1) * 2]) end = int(row[(i + 1) * 2 + 1]) self.divided_spectral_range.append({"start": start, "end": end})