


A class which contains the result of simulation.


A class which include all the tools of simulation.

Module Contents

class photonmap.Simulator.SimulationResult(simulator)[source]

A class which contains the result of simulation.


N_sim_virtual_captor: dict

Number of received photons on each captor

N_sim_face_captor: dict

Number of received photons on each organ of plant

N_mes_virtual_captor: dict

The energies after the calibration on each captor

N_mes_face_captor: dict

The energies after the calibration on each organ of plant

nb_photons: int

The number of photons in simulation

divided_spectral_range: array

The list of spectral ranges divided from the base spectral range.

list_virtual_captor: array

The list of virtual captor in simulation


Write the result of simulation to a file saved in the folder ./results


file_prefix: str

The prefix of output file


Draw a graph with MathPlotlib

class photonmap.Simulator.Simulator[source]

A class which include all the tools of simulation.


nb_photons: int

The number of photons in simulation

maximum_depth: int

The maximum number of times that the light bounces in the scene

scale_factor: float

The size of geometries. The vertices of geometries is recalculated by dividing their coordinates by this value

t_min: float

The minimum distance between the point of intersection and the origin of the light ray

nb_thread: int

The number of threads on the CPU used to calculate in parallel. This value is between 0 and the number of cores of your CPU.

is_backface_culling: bool

Define which mode of intersection is chosen: intersect only with the front face or intersect with both faces.

base_spectral_range: dict

The base spectral range which includes all the other spectral ranges

divided_spectral_range: array

The list of spectral ranges divided from the base spectral range.

rendering: bool

Set to True to render the output images

N_sim_virtual_captor: dict

Number of received photons on each captor

N_sim_face_captor: dict

Number of received photons on each organ of plant

spectrum_file: str

The link to the file which contains the informations of the heterogeneity of the spectrum

points_calibration_file: str

The link to the file which contains the informations of the captors used to calibrate the final result

list_virtual_captor: array

The list of virtual captor in simulation

pgl_scene: openalea.plantgl.scenegraph.Scene

The plantgl scene object used to save the meshs of environment

plantPos: Vec3

The position of the plant

po_dir: str

The link to the folder which contains the optical properties of the room

nb_photons = 0[source]
max_depth = 0[source]
scale_factor = 1[source]
t_min = 0.0001[source]
nb_thread = 8[source]
is_backface_culling = False[source]
rendering = False[source]
list_virtual_captor = [][source]
list_face_captor = [][source]
N_sim_virtual_captor = [][source]
N_sim_face_captor = [][source]
N_mes_virtual_captor = [][source]
N_mes_face_captor = [][source]
photonmaps = [][source]
po_dir = ''[source]
spectrum_file = ''[source]
points_calibration_file = ''[source]

Clear list of captors and list of object in scene


Add a environment’s object to scene



The mesh of object


The object is added to the scene

addFaceCaptorToScene(shape, position, scale_factor)[source]

Add a face captor object to scene


shape: Shape

The geometry and material of captor


The position of captor

scale_factor: int

The size of geometries. The vertices of geometries is recalculated by dividing their coordinates by this value


The face captor is added to the scene

addVirtualCaptorToScene(shape, position, scale_factor)[source]

Add a virtual captor object to scene


shape: Shape

The geometry and material of captor


The position of captor

scale_factor: int

The size of geometries. The vertices of geometries is recalculated by dividing their coordinates by this value


The virtual captor is added to the scene

addVirtualDiskCaptorToScene(pos, normal, r, captor_id)[source]

Add a virtual disk shaped captor object to scene



The position of captor

normal: tuple(float,float,float)

The vector normal of captor

r: float

The radius of captor

captor_id: int

The id of captor


The disk shaped captor is added to the scene


Run the simulation with the configurations which is determined


The number of received photons on each captor and organs of plant is saved into the files located in folde ./results

calculateCalibrationCoefficient(spectrum_file='', points_calibration_file='')[source]

Calculate the coefficients which is used to calibrate the final result of simulation with the captors


spectrum_file: str

The link to the file which contains the informations of the heterogeneity of the spectrum

points_calibration_file: str

The link to the file which contains the informations of the captors used to calibrate the final result

calibrateResults(spectrum_file='', points_calibration_file='')[source]

Calibrate the final result of simulation


spectrum_file: str

The link to the file which contains the informations of the heterogeneity of the spectrum

points_calibration_file: str

The link to the file which contains the informations of the captors used to calibrate the final result


Visualize the scene of simulation with the tools of OpenAlea To run this function, it has to run these command first: – ipython – %gui qt5


mode: str

This variable define the mode used to visualize the scene. There are the supported modes: ipython, pgljupyter


A rendered scene in 3D

test_t_min(nb_photons, start_t, loop, is_only_lamp=False)[source]

Test the simulation with multiple values of Tmin to avoid the problem of auto-intersection


nb_photons: int

The total number of photons is shooting from the light in the simulation

start_t: float

The first (smallest) value of Tmin used to run the test

loop: int

The number of iteration. At each iteration, the current value Tmin is multiply with 10, then run the simulation

is_only_lamp: bool

If True, run the test with only the lamps and captors, If False, run the test with all the objects in scene


A graph is generated to show the connection between the Tmin and the results of simulation

initSimulationScene(scene, current_band, moyenne_wavelength, is_only_lamp=False)[source]

Setup all the necessary objects (environment, captor, plant) in the simulation


scene: libphotonmap_core.Scene

The object which contains all the object in the scene of simulation

current_band: dict

Current divided spectral range where the simulation is running

moyenne_wavelength: Vec3

The average wavelength of spectral range used to determine the color of the light

is_only_lamp: bool

if True, only the lamps and captors is added to the scene, if False, all the objects is added.


scene: libphotonmap_core.Scene

The object which contains all the object in the scene of simulation

has_virtual_captor: bool

Return true if the scene has the captors

captor_triangle_dict: dict

Dictionary of the triangles of the captors. Using to counting the number of photons received in each captor

has_plant: bool

Return true if the scene has the model of plant

tr2shmap: dict

Dictionary of the triangles of the plant. Using to counting the number of photons received in each organ of plant

render(integrator, scene, w, sampler)[source]

Visualize the photon map of the simulation in the scene


integrator: libphotonmap_core.PhotonMapping

The object which handles all the simulation of photon mapping

scene: libphotonmap_core.Scene

The object which contains all the object in the scene of simulation

w: Vec3

The average wavelength of spectral range used to determine the color of the light

sampler: libphotonmap_core.Sampler

The generator of the random number


Rendered images is saved into the folder ./result

addEnvFromFile(room_file: str, po_dir: str, flip_normal=False)[source]

Setup the room/environment of the simulation from file.


room_file: str

The link to the file which contains the geometries of the room

po_dir: str

The link to the folder which contains the optical properties of the room

flip_normal: bool

Determine the direction of the vector normal of triangle.

setupRender(lookfrom=Vec3(0, 0, 0), lookat=Vec3(0, 0, 0))[source]

Enable the capacity to render/visulize the photon map in the scene


lookfrom: Vec3

The position of the camera.

lookat: Vec3

The point where the camera is looking at

addVirtualDiskCaptorsFromFile(captor_file: str)[source]

Setup the captors in the simulation. Enable the capacity to run the simulation with the circle captors


captor_file: str

The link to the file which contains the informations of the captors in the simulation

addFaceCaptorsFromLpyFile(plant_file: str, plant_pos=Vec3(0, 0, 0), derivationLength=None)[source]

Setup a plant in the simulation. Enable the capacity to run the simulation with a model of plant


plant_file: str

The link to the file of the model of plant. (currently only support .lpy file)

plantPos: Vec3

The position of the plant

derivationLength: int

The number of iteration to interpret the plant

initCameraRender(lookfrom=Vec3(0, 0, 0), lookat=Vec3(0, 0, 0))[source]

Init the camera to render image. Calling by the function setupRender


lookfrom: Vec3

The position of the camera.

lookat: Vec3

The point where the camera is looking at


camera: libphotonmap_core.Camera

An object with all the informations of camera

readConfiguration(filename: str)[source]

Read all the parameters of simulation in the configuration file


filename: str

Name/directory of the configuration file.